For those who attended

Our Winter Pause feedback form is now live.

We would love your input on how to make our next part of the series even better.

Please follow the link posted below and give us your honest feedback.

Thank you all for coming and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


Struggling to get the best version of you?

Why not attend my It’s not your fault free workshop?

Attend online so that it’s convenient for you in the comfort of your own home.

It’s Not Your Fault! – FREE online workshop

New dates:

Sunday March 26th – 5pm

Sunday 16th April – 5pm

Sunday 21st April – 5pm

Choose the date which suits you!

Performance coaching

Performance coaching focusses on improving performance in a specific area of expertise. Personal or life coaching focusses on personal development and the individual performing better (whether in business or personal life). Family or relationship coaching focusses on improving relationships by the individual (or family, if working together) making changes that transform the relationships to improve the situation for everyone involved.

Some issues, such as stress management, depression and confidence/ performance issues respond well either to hypnotherapy or coaching, depending on your personal preference. Often, a course of hypnotherapy to identify and ‘clear out’ past issues that have contributed to the problem developing can be followed by a structured course of coaching to really help you to make long-lasting change as you are supported to develop new, more positive habits and ways of thinking.

Book your discovery call to find out which part of my services are right for you.

Are you looking for ways to improve your life?

Many people nowadays feel there are areas of their life that they need help with; whether in your personal, family or work life, or regarding sports or other areas of performance, I can help you to be the best you can be.

I provide a range of services to work with you as an individual; or to work with your child or the whole family together.

Book your discovery call to find out how I can help you achieve a more balanced life.

It’s not your fault!

Feeling grumpy? Or not coping well and having the feeling of wanting to escape?

I am here for you My free online workshop is one hour long and for women in their 40’s or 50’s to discover why you might be feeling out of sorts and what to do about it.

Join me for tomorrow for the final instalment of this workshop for the time being. Lets work together to find the best version of you.


It’s not your fault.

Congratulations for making the first move to finding you again.

Join us tonight at 5pm for my free online workshop to see how we can work together to creating the best version of you.

Feeling out of sorts?

Feeling unbalanced is not uncommon.

We all feel it at some point in our life and it’s down to us to control it.

But we all need some help from time to time, and sometimes we don’t know where to turn or who we can talk to.

We can talk to family or friends and doctors, but we don’t always get the result we would like and turning to someone who is unbiased can give you a different perspective.

Even as a life coach, I need some help and support from time to time, sometimes it is just needing an extra pillar of support in our hardest times.

Joining me for a discovery call, could be just what you need having a different outlook on your situation and help to point you in the right direction for the future.

Self- care for you?

Self-care is so important in everyday life. We like to think that we will be okay and we can handle everything one step at a time.

But it’s not always so easy is it to balance everything.

We need to slow down to ensure we can enjoy life whilst doing what we love to do. Maybe it’s being with your family or maybe you have hobbies you would love to pursue or just making sure you have some extra time to wind down after a busy day.

What do we think about change?

When we think about changing our lives, we often don’t know how to follow it through or sometimes even where to start.

I’m here to help you find the path that’s suitable and achievable so that you can make these changes and make sure you can follow it to the end and create a balanced and successfully changed life.

Book your discovery call to find out more on how I can help you.

What else is new?

Anxiety, feeling out of sorts and not knowing how to slow down are some things that we just don’t realise are happening to us until we feel deflating, loss of energy, having anxiety over things that shouldn’t matter.

But how can we combat this, where do we start?

Book your discovery call to find out how we can work together to get the best version of you back.