
Welcome to my site!

Do you often feel unbalanced, stressed, out of kilter? Do you struggle to manage your work, family, life successfully? Maybe you feel that you are trying to juggle too many balls, never quite managing to be your best at anything?

Many women end up on this rollercoaster, and find themselves turning into a hectic version of Superwoman who is always on the go but never quite getting where she wants to be….

If this sounds all-too-familiar, then the One of Many Certified Women’s Coaching Programme is for you.

Using a combination of various coaching techniques we can explore better ways of being that will help you to be a better version of you! Personally, I love working with more positive archetypes, knowing that I can call on my inner strengths when I need to; it really has been life-changing for me. I love to share these with you so you can change your life too.

For all my coaching and programmes, you can work with me online via Zoom or Skype; over the phone; or in person at The Treatment Space in Bamford, Hope Valley.


Coaching Programme

Are you ready to discover the best possible you? Bring balance to all areas of your life, and reclaim your power to be who you really want to be?

This 12 week programme will teach you super-effective,  life changing tools that will bring out the best in you. I will guide you, support you, and hold you accountable for making the changes you want to make. You will learn how to access your deep inner power to make those changes, using tools that have already helped other busy, professional women become pillars of their community, and happier, more vital people.

You can access the basic individual 12 week programme through weekly one hour sessions either face to face or via Skype.

See here for details of my group programmes.

The beauty of coaching is that you learn to reframe your thinking; learn to become more confident to act in ways that bring out the best in you and in those around you; all with the non judgemental support and encouragement of someone who wants the help you be the best version of you!

It is vital that we feel we can work together to make those changes, so book your Free Discovery Call now to find out more.


I am a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach with a passion for supporting women to be the best they can be, and make the changes that will lead to a more balanced, harmonious life.

Book your Discovery Call today to discuss how I can help you to be the best version of you.


Unexpected Gifts: The Power of Wishing and the Magic of the Universe

Have you ever really wanted something with a passion? Perhaps you’ve wished upon a star, thrown a coin into a fountain, or maybe you have been more purposeful and visualised your goal with unwavering belief. But what happens when the universe surprises you with something completely unexpected? The Seagull Saga: Something happened recently that really …

Finding Balance in the Busy-ness: Why You Don’t Need to Be Constantly Busy

Let’s face it, as busy women, we often feel the pressure to be constantly productive. We juggle work, family, and personal commitments, and it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day. But what if I told you that being constantly busy might not be as beneficial as you think? The Illusion of Productivity In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to fall into …


Lucy Atkinson

BSc (Hons), PGCE, Post Graduate Diploma (Education), Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice, Certificate of Stress Management, Life Coaching Diploma.

Phone: 07969247928

Email: lucy@hypnohelp.uk.com

Book online here

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